Crosbyton citizens!!!
What is that purple and gold card that I got in the mail all about?? OOPS! The phone number for the City is actually 806-675-2302!! The Crosbyton Chamber of Commerce Community Fund was set up for beautifying and promoting Crosbyton! The fund comes from citizens adding $2/month to the monthly water bill. Will you help by adding $2/month to your water bill?
There will be a committee to decide the project undertaken, but some suggestions include: contribute to the swimming pool fund, build a Splashpad, or erect a metal art Chieftain head. These are only suggestions, but we want to do SOMETHING to beautify and promote Crosbyton and WE NEED YOUR HELP! Please consider calling the City office TODAY at 675-2302 and say “I will give $2/month!”
If you would like to serve on the committee to decide what project to undertake, please call the Chamber at 806-853-7140 OR email to Do it TODAY! If we all pitch in $2 it will make a HUGE difference! Make a difference today by calling the City office at 675-2302!